Around the Woods in 80 Days

   I love the Shire. It's so calm, so peaceful. Mockingbirds and little frogs sing sweetly but all else is stillness, save the waving of the pale yellow daffodils in the warm breeze. The wind whispers through the tiny glowing green oak leaves. A voice calls my name, soft, reassuring, steadfast.

   I awaken to the dark woods of Studymore and brush dirt off my cape. Peering around, the trail is dark. A giant spider lumbers by as I stop breathing, hoping he won't sense my presense. He trudges off, rustling up a whirlwind of dead leaves which fall behind him upon the trail. Whew! That was scary.
   I should reach an Elven lair in 28 days, and we shall have a feast to revive our spirits before continuing the journey into the Summer...and then into the clear air where the butterflies hover.

(Stock photos)


  1. You know, this dark land you've traveled through may allow you to home school your children one day if it becomes illegal for those who don't have a college degree.

    What Satan intended for evil, God intended for good.

    I feel for you having to go through this land of woe, however. At least you now have a light at the end of this tunnel. :-)

  2. I would like to be in the Shire, too.

  3. Somehow I missed seeing this until now. Thanks for the encouragement! :)


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