We Shall Be Led
The Lord is always gracious. He has been helping me to see Himself more of late.
And He brought this verse to me the other night: “…The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud.”—I Kings 8:12
I found that to be awesomely comforting. God is always present.
But the next morning, I read this entry in Amy Carmichael’s Edges of His Ways, and realized once again the importance of obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It’s good. It connects:
July 2 (entry)
Exodus 13:21: The Lord went before them…in cloud and in fire.
So cloud and fire are bound up with thoughts of guidance. Each day for each Israelite began with the sight of the impenetrable Cloud. What was the day to bring of journeying or of waiting? He did not know. He saw the Cloud, that was all. So do our days begin. We may have a time-table, even so, we face the Unknown. We know not what a day may bring forth, but if we are following our Leader we know that we shall be led. The symbol of that leading is a Cloud, through which we cannot see.
Great Leader, guide me by cloud or fire,
Let me be loyal to Thy heart’s desire.
And lest I falter if the way be long,
O let Thy joy be strength to me and song.
(Stock photo)
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